My CSR with equine therapy - helping those who need it

CSR activity horse therapy equine alzheimer chronic disease dubai

I am super grateful for the work I have - working with horses, being in nature, and helping many people learn more about themselves and how to live a better life.

Because not everyone can afford a coaching session with horses, but many people need it, I offer two free sessions every month in Dubai.
These are for people who truly need a therapeutic session with the horses, but who do not have the financial means to afford it.

  • Maybe you just came out or are still stuck in an abusive relationship?
  • Or you lost your jobs and need to rebuild your self esteem
  • Are you suffering from a chronic disease? (which can mean a huge financial strain!)
  • Or have you experienced loss and are grieving?
  • Are you a caregiver for someone, or have relatives with alzheimers and dementia?

If you would like to avail one of these complimentary horse guided coaching sessions, or know someone who truly needs them and who you would like to propose for such a CSR session, please fill out the form below and I will get in touch with you!

Apply for a free session

Please note that all fields with an asterisk must be filled in.

To make sure you are human, please enter the word that you see below.


Sponsoring the CSR with Equine Therapy

Since I need to pay for the horses, I am looking for sponsors who are interested to help cover the costs for these sessions, or who would even be willing to sponsor more sessions for citizens in need. 

In line with the UAE's National Policy for the Promotion of Mental Health, I am glad to see that more companies and governments are actively ensuring the wellbeing of their people, and I know the horses can play a huge part especially in prevention work.

The costs for each 1-1 coaching session with horses is 950 AED.
We also offer packages of 5 sessions to help people with lasting transformations - these are 4,500 AED.

If your company as part of their corporate social responsibility program - or also you as a private person - would like to support our initiative so we can help a lot more people in the United Arab Emirates, people who truly need support - please reach out to schedule a call.

Why I offer these free session

I have led a very fortunate life, and many good things have happened to me. I am truly grateful for how my life has evolved and for where I am today.

But I am also aware that not everyone is as lucky, and people can be hit very hard, be it by suddenly loosing a loved one, receiving a life threatening diagnose, and so much more.
Horses have always been an anchor for me and been great supporters in many times. But they also taught me many life lessons that allowed me to be the person I am today, and I would like to share some of these life lessons with other people to create a better world for all.

Having seen how the horses can shift someones mood within seconds, how they support people who come to the paddock with heavy trauma, how they unconditionally offer love to those who need it - and in return, watching what they get out of it - it is truly touching and the most rewarding "job" I have ever had.

Also, I know that horses can do so much more for humanity than just being a sports instrument, and it is one of my life missions to change the perception humans have around horses - I want to show their soft, healing, empowering side and wish to give them a new role in the history of humanity.

This is my driver, my mission, and I look forward to sharing more of these beautiful moments with others!

Thank you for reading and for being part of this movement, to create a better world for both humans and horses. 

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